Monday, July 10, 2017

First Week of Summer Programming, Check!

Meet my Save the Harbor crew!
With the Fourth of July holiday it was a bit of a short week-- one that was however very eventful and demonstrated much promise! I am proud of my team for the hard work they inputted this week, jumping into action at our sites, both Community Boating Inc. and Spectacle Island; assisting me in baiting and setting crab and eel traps; mesmerizing visitors with up-close and personal exhibits of the ocean crustaceans caught by program participators; and cutting fishing bait and baiting the lines of the fishing rods (as well as their troubleshooting as some of the participants often required a few attempts before getting down the technique).

We began our week at Spectacle Island fishing with island-goers off the pier and hosting recreational activities, conveniently situated between the island's two drumlins. With the help of program director David Coffin and his loud and "pleasant" personality, we were able to not only introduce them to Spectacle Island, but also inform them of the island's long and surprising history as a horse rendering plant and the region's dump whose methane build-up ignited into a fire that burned on the island for ten years, just to name a few!

David Coffin confessing his love for the Harbor Islands.

Our week ended at the Community Boating Inc. sailing center situated on the Charles River. Meeting Molly, the program collaborator, was exciting and together we were able to combine our curricula  and provide her environmental science group with an experience to get down and dirty fishing in the rain! I promise it was not our idea; the children were surprisingly enthused about fishing under the pounding rain drops. In short, I'm really looking forward to working with Community Boating this summer and bringing a little touch of the Harbor to their river resort!

Stay tuned for what comes next!
Maxwilliams Iwuala

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