Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Fourth Times the Charm

Hey my name is Preston and I've been working for Save The Harbor for 4 years now. It's always a blast coming back to Save The Harbor and I can't wait for the summer to start! One thing I'm looking forward to this summer is all the new faces that I will see at our many sites. It's always a pleasure seeing new kids come along through our programs. Many try fishing a few times and just go through the motions. But seeing the amount of kids return with previous and new knowledge about the harbor is always amazing. I enjoy throwing the football on the beach and late night hoop sessions. I am outgoing and really friendly. I'm always trying to have a fun time and I love trying new things. My goal this ear will be to try something new everyday, and make this summer a memorable one. I'm also looking forward to enjoying the summer with our staff. Its always a pleasure getting a chance to work with some amazing people. HANDS! If you hear that just get your hands ready, a football will be coming your way, fast. Get ready for an exciting summer because I can't wait! Until next time, Preston. 

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