Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Hey everyone,

        The past couple of days at black's creek have been memorable. I've interacted with the kids on a deeper level and have created amazing bonds. I feel like the best way you can be close to them is just by being a child yourself and realizing that they teach you so much about yourself.

my friend kylie.
        Yesterday we caught two molting crabs which was strange for me because I didn't know they released a skin like shell when becoming a hardened crab and I was baffled.

          That's my friend Kylie and she is the sweetest kid I've ever met. We were playing gaga ball in the pit and she's like, "Nieomi, you're my favorite and I have a lot of fun with you" that made my entire day knowing that I can make someone happy in any sense.

           Hopefully by the end of the summer i will create more bonds with the kids and my co-workers. When you're working for Save The Harbor you do things you don't normally like to do but that helps with your personal growth.
Until next time,

Nieomi colon

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