Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wind and Rain and Scary Tunnels

Hello Boston!

Periwinkles and Asian Shore Crabs
Wind and rain can't stop our invasive species hunt!
This Monday was a soggy one for sure! I spent my Monday at Camp Harbor View where the wind was blowing strong, the rain was coming in sideways, and the chill went straight through you. Our first group learned about invasive species and helped us gather Periwinkle Snails and Asian Shore Crabs from the beach. We tried to hide our next group from the wind as we played What You Can't See Under the Sea on a covered pathway. As the weather progressed, we took our last group up to the fort on the island. This was my first time exploring the fort and the kids were excited to give me a spooky guided tour. At the end of the day, we had a slow and bumpy, yet heated,
boat ride back to Boston.

The perfect spiral
On Tuesday, I got to visit George's Island for the first time. Although it was still a little cold, it was not nearly as wet as Monday. When we got to George's Island, my group forced me to go into the dark tunnels that line the forts there. They definitely got a good laugh as I screamed and shuffled through the completely dark stony path. After one walk through the tunnel, I had experienced enough scary dark places for one week. I spent the remainder of my time on the island playing sports with the kids. I am quite proud to announce that my football throwing skills are getting better each day! Though I probably will not be a quarterback any time soon. I am looking forward to spending the rest of the week on George's Island and learning more of the history there.

Sea you out there,

Jennifer Leiendecker

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