Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hello Boston!

Hello Bostonians and Harbor-goers! My name is Jennifer Leiendecker and I am a newly appointed Senior Harbor Educator here at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.

My story starts in the beautiful Bay Area of California. I grew up exploring tide pools in Santa Cruz, hiking in the Redwoods, and playing with any animals I could get my hands on. I binged watched Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter marathons and attended Junior Zookeeper Camp. Early on, I knew I wanted my future to be focused on animals, conservation, and education.

In order to achieve this goal, I received a B.S. in Zoology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. While my months in school where spent studying anything from two-spot octopi to bright purple sea hares, my summer months were dedicated to traveling and teaching English abroad.

After college, I worked as a tide pool school teacher for the Sea Center and as an educator at the Santa Barbara Zoo. On any given day, I was describing parts of a sea urchin to kids in the ocean, using a snake to demonstrate hunting techniques, or feeding giraffes with the public while discussing endangered species. I was living out my dream of teaching children and communities about animals and science while sparking an interest and connection to the natural world.

Last year, I decided that I was ready to challenge myself and embark on my next adventure. I chose to move to Boston where I could explore new tides, meet new animals, and connect with and teach new youth. I arrived here in April and came across Save the Harbor/Save the Bay a few weeks later. When I saw this job opening, I knew it was the perfect fit! The more I learn about the Boston harbor and its rich history, the more excited I am to share it with the community. I am looking forward to an incredible summer of flounder, fun, and fishing rods!

Sea you out there,

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