Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hustling For "The Hustle"

Gearing up for the start of one of the stations.

The last day of session 1 was on Thursday, marking the end of a great first half of the summer. It was an eventful day with "The Hustle" and the Talent Show both taking place. The last day of the sessino was also an emotional day for both campers and staff, these people weren't going to see each other for another year and they were very sad.

   "The Hustle" is a massive relay race where Campers are put into teams based on their lighthouse (a lighthouse is a large group of about 100 campers). The Campers were pumped up for "The Hustle" and were drenched in their lighthouse colors. With Yellow hair, green bandanas, and purple necklaces, all the campers were showing their team spirit. Once "The Hustle" started everyone camper went 110% to make sure their team won. Knowing this was the last day of camp these campers wanted to make a lasting impression, and literally put their blood, sweat, and tears into the relay. From the rock climbing station, the pie eating station, and the paddle boarding station, the relay was a lot of fun for everyone watching and involved.

Pie eating contest!
 The Talent Show was just as fun and entertaining, and I was really surprised by the amount of talent the young campers had. One of the campers sang the Song "All of Me", another danced to the song "Mangolia", and one of the LIT's shared his poem. All of the campers were cheering on their friends and enjoying these amazing performances, which was a lot fun for us to watch.
   I am gonna miss the Campers from Session 1, but I am excited for the second half of the summer.

Until Next Time, Abel Yohannes

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