Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Mondays are for Spider Crabs

Hello Boston!

This week, I got to experience Camp Harbor View for the first time. When we arrived, we set up a crab trap and a few fishing rods off the edge of the pier. Throughout the day, groups of happy campers would meet us for what was mainly their first introduction to fishing. We taught them a brief history of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and gave them a quick lesson on the parts of a fishing rod. Because there weren't too many fish biting, we spent a majority of our time practicing our side casts. These kids will definitely be professional side casters in no time! 

Once we got used to the fishing poles, we decided to pull up the crab trap we had set earlier. As we hoisted it up, we were all excited to see that we had caught quite a bounty of crabs. Among the Green and Rock Crabs was a beautiful, slightly slimy spider crab! The kids were shocked by this creepy crab’s appearance, but were eager to learn more about it. Each camper had the opportunity to hold a crap (if they wanted to) and understand their anatomy. By the end of the day, all of the kids were able to tell us if a crab was a boy or a girl and tell us a little more ab out how crabs grow by molting. I had a great time at Camp Harbor View and I look forward to helping those kids practice their fishing skills in the feature.

Sea you out there,
Jennifer Leiendecker

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