Monday, July 24, 2017

Pritae Stories and Crab Claws

Hello Boston!

Tony the Pirate Sharing Scary Stories
This Friday I had the opportunity to work at Atlantic Wharf.Our team at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay had a lot of fun activities set up for the kids who joined us that day including storytelling with Tony the Pirate, fishing off the wharf, and crab traps and touch tanks by the water. I was in charge of playing What You Can't See Under the Sea with the children. To play this game, we sat down and discussed animals that live in the ocean, how they act, and what they eat. Each participant chose their favorite animal and got into character as we ran around the grass reenacting an underwater scene. I got "stung" by a squiggly jellyfish, chomped on by a fast shark, and nabbed by a speedy narwhal.  The kids had a great time being sea creatures; they did not want to stop playing!

All the Children at Atlantic Wharf
Save the Harbor Set Up at Children's Museum
Once the group left Atlantic Wharf, I headed over to the Boston Children's Museum to interact with the museum goers and other onlookers. We set up fishing rods and a touch tank filled with freshly trapped crabs. Both kids and adults were thrilled by the option to stop what they were doing and hold a crab or cast a fishing rod. People would bustle by, busy with life and caught up in their own worlds, and I'd lure them over with an interesting crab fact. Many people had never held a crab before!

While working the touch tank with Garret, he taught me that the triangular part of the underside of a crab is known as an "apron." I love learning new facts about these awesome sea creatures, thank you Garret! I had a great time playing with the kids at the Boston Children's Museum and I hope I will get to go back soon.

Sea you out there,

Jennifer Leiendecker

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