Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rain coloring!

       Hey bloggers it's me D, I'm going to tell you how much fun I had in the rain at Piers Park. First we had clear skies and we were continuing with the regular schedule in the morning by playing games and having bundles of fun. Then down came the rain out of nowhere and everyone started running back to the tent. 
While it was raining we decided to make imaginary marine animals. The kids had great imaginations and also great marine animals. Josh drew a shark but it wasn't an ordinary shark he says  it was the world's biggest shark and the world's smallest shark put together. John drew a extra stinging jellyfish, it will sting anything and everyone and it had over 15 legs and has the power to control any animal in the water. The picture I drew was was a rainbow design fish called "colorzine". Everytime my fish swims it leaves a color and a design behind, it's a very happy fish. Towards the end of the day it was still drizzling but we decided to still playing in the rain which was so much fun because kids will play in any weather and have the times of their lives.  
     Josh and his worlds biggest and smallest shark 
John and his extra stinging Jellyfish 

  This is my fish that I drew called "colorzine" it's a colorful fish with designs. 

                                                                       -Until next time Naja D 


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