Saturday, July 29, 2017

Rained out Monday

Rainy views from the Charles.

It was a wet and cloudy Monday morning at Community Boating, but that didn't stop us from going fishing. Instead of using hand made bait like we did on Friday, we went searching for worms. It was hard but possible, we found a couple and hooked them up while the rest of the rods were equipped with lures. It was a quiet morning but the fish were out there somewhere. We had a small morning class so there were enough rods to share with all the children and our staff. I almost had something! The rush of excitement I felt made me eager to continue fishing. For a brief second I felt a tug on my rod but it let go :( boo hoo. We spent a good half hour fishing and wrapped it up to get ready to meet our next class.
Save the Harbor Flat Boat, brought to you
by yours truly: Kharliyah & Henry.

We spent the second half of the day inside making boats, singing sea shanties, talking about the journey of water from our homes to the harbor and learning from each other. First we started off introducing ourselves and sang Haul Away Joe. We played tug of war to symbolize the importance of teamwork on boats and created a verse to sing in Haul Away Joe, which was not easy. The environmental science instructor, Molly, allowed us to create a boat made of clay to see whose could float and whose could hold the most weight. Through our activity and investigation we learned that flat boats could easily hold the most weight. We tested the weight by adding marbles inside; one team got all the way up to 65 marbles to stay inside before the boat sank underwater. Save the Harbor's boat got 22 marbles. Creating boats was personally my favorite activity and I learned a lot from it!

Stay tuned for next time,

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