Monday, July 17, 2017

Star of the Show

Just a quick ride to work!
To say last week had some gloomy days would be an understatement. Between the rain and the humidity, the kids (and staff alike) were in need of a boost. Something exciting needed to happen!

Thursdays are already a special day for the Pier's Park staff. After our staff meeting, we get picked up on a boat by our friends at the Pier's Park Sailing Center and get to cruise across Boston Harbor to our site. How cool is that?! After docking the boat and starting our walk up the ramp one of our staff members noticed a HUGE starfish in some shallow water nearby. We all began thinking out loud, "how cool would it be to bring that up to the tent for the kids before it really starts raining". Raymond offered to be the one to go into the waist deep water to get it. Quickly, a plan was set. Of course, after receiving proper counsel we decided to give it a try! Ray put a life jacket on and took a kayak, taking all safety precautions. He carefully got out of the kayak and used his hands to peer into the water almost as if he was snorkeling. Finally, after a few minutes of searching, he stuck his hands down into the water and pulled up the biggest starfish I have ever seen!! Suddenly it started to downpour and we knew we had to act fast. We quickly put the amazing creature into a bucket of sea water so that the kids could view it in a somewhat natural habitat. Carefully, we walked the bucket up to the tent where the kids were getting ready to watch a movie, they had no idea they were going to interact with any sea life at the rate the weather was headed. When the bucket was placed on a picnic table the campers erupted with overwhelming "ooh", "ahh", and "woooah" noises. Every time they asked if we caught it they seemed so shocked to hear that the answer was yes because we wanted them to be able to see it too. Hearing and seeing them be so amazed by what we had just put in front of them made the extra work completely worth it. Turns out our rainy day didn't end up being so gloomy!
Image may contain: 1 person
Nicholas loved the starfish!!

Catch you later,

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