Friday, July 14, 2017

Summer Fun at CHV

Pulling up the crab trap.
Hey everyone, its Preston again and it was another successful week at Camp Harbor view. This week we fished and caught tons of crabs in our crab trap. From the extreme heat, to the cold and chilly days, kids were excited to come hang out with the Save the Harbor staff. Day in and day out kids are more and more excited to fish and pull up the crab trap! It was our first time pulling up the crab trap this week and to our luck it was filled with red rock and green crabs. Everyone was excited that we found crabs.

Crabs in both hands! 

Did you know...when being held by predators, crabs have the ability to release their limbs if they find that they cannot get away from their predators. But don't worry, crabs have the ability to grow their limbs back! Its only a matter of time before Mr.Crabs has a brand new arm. This is why most of the time you see crabs with missing arms; they're in the process of growing a new one. The excitement of a child holding a crab for the first time is always amazing. They are either too nervous to pick it up because they look creepy or they are overwhelmed with excitement because for many, its their first time see a crab in person. Its always a pleasure bringing so many smiling faces to the harbor.

Until next time - keep exploring,

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