Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Lady in Black Haunts

This week at All Access we went to George's Island. This is officially my new favorite island. I have also gained a new nickname. David now calls me "yawns". On Wednesday, I yawned a total of 97 times while on the island, my coworker Jaiden kept count. It was absolutely ridiculous because I wasn't even tired.
Me yawning at lunch...

Anyways, Marly, Jaiden, and myself were in charge of sports that day. For a while we played football with the Dorchester Y kids, and then the camp from West Roxbury joined us. This created quite the game. I kept having to pull this one camper off of Jaiden. I swear every chance he got he would jump onto Jaiden's neck and just hang there. As the kids began filing back down to the dock for fishing, David took us into the dark tunnel because we'd never been there before. I myself don't scare that easily, but Marly on the other hand would NOT let go of my arm. Now, David isn't the type to ease up on the tricks, so he would walk behind Marly and scream, which would then cause her to scream even louder. The funniest part was when we all decided to start scaring the kids. I would hold their hands and lead them into the chamber. Jaiden would jump out and scream at them while David reached out from the dark and put only his hand into the light. Their reactions were priceless. We definitely gave them an experience that they'd never forget!

Me getting real familiar with Fort Warren.

On Friday, I started my day off again with "the yawns". I still don't understand it. I just say "some people get the hiccups, but I get the yawns". The weather wasn't spectacular this day, very cold and wet. On the boat ride in, I tried to tell as many kids as I could about the Lady in Black. Of course David had already explained it to them but let's face it, most of them were just sitting on their phones. But I can certainly say that once we got to the island and started running around with them, the phones went right into their bags. Anyone who passed by that wouldn't come to sports, I would encourage them to visit the dark tunnel. We may have had less children than Thursday but there were still the same amount of screams as the kids entered the tunnel. I've learned that so many people are afraid of the dark and don't realize it.

Until the next adventure,

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