guys what a good week to go fishing right?
This week at the Boston
Children Museum even though we didn’t catch any more striped bass fish we
manage to catch other fish which I’m not too aware of what type of fish it is. I
enjoy teaching new kids who never fished before how to fish for the first time.
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The best part of all
this is seeing how happy the kids get while in the process of fishing or even
pulling up the crab traps. We often catch European green crabs more then we catch spider crabs or any other living sea creature. At first what we were
using as bait was flounder and scup which they fish didn’t really like much.
since we did a change of bait the sea creatures at the Boston Children Museum
seem to like it better. I think it’s the change of bait that is bringing the
new sea creatures we catch.
Later that day the fishes
that our team caught were actually called a cunner. The cunner is also
known as bergall fish and a chogset as well. Often you may see the Cunner fish
with different skin patterns that you usually don’t see other fish with. But if
you look closely you’ll be able to see that this fish has tiny teeth that would
sting if you got bitten. There were times where we would try to use cunner to catch crabs
and other fish. People often get a cunner fish confused with a perch
fish due to the little similarities you may see if both compared. The way we
caught the cunner fish wasn’t with a rod it was actually caught with a crab
trap. Throughout the day everyone’s confidence increase due to not ever
actually catching a fish in the crab trap.
Edward calderon
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