Wednesday, August 16, 2017

2nd Annual Tenean Beach Day!

The Save the Harbor team making works
of art at the beach.
Hello all!

This Saturday I assisted Save the Harbor Save the Bay in hosting the 2nd Annual Tenean Beach Day. We arrived to discover we would be setting up our station next to one full of circus performers, courtesy of Save the Harbor! There we were on the beach flatfish printing with children and adults alike; the parents were blown away by the fact we were using an actual flounder fish, and the kids were delighted to decorate it with inks and make fish prints with it. This one young woman was especially astounded by the current condition of the beach, and the harbor in general, compared to that of when she was a child. She shared with me how she and her brother would come down and fish at the beach and end up walking away with a cooler full of flounder that they would then fry up at the house. The story helped me envision the beach in its younger days pre-dating the big Harbor Clean-Up enacted by organizations like my own and the Department of Conservation and Recreation. It instilled in me a greater sense of appreciation for both the work we have already accomplished, and that which is set before us all if we are to maintain the condition of some of the cleanest urban beaches in the country.

The majestic Boston Fire
Department Marine Unit!
It was shortly after that that the Boston Fire Department Marine vessel arrived! It sailed in from the bay with its sirens ablaze, drawing the entire crowd to the shoreline to watch as it twirled about, spouting water from each of its five hoses aboard the boat-- what a sight! The excitement of the day was only compounded by the free hot dogs and sausages being served throughout the event. At one point a Boston Police van that had been modified as a ice cream truck showed up and distributed free ice cream cups and sandwiches to the public-- a big crowd pleaser from the enormous line that formed in front of it that never seemed to dissipate. Did I mention the mayor was there?! He made a special appearance to the event, connecting with the Port Norfolk community and stressing the importance of being able to provide their children and families with a clean natural resource such as the beach. The kids went home happy to have spent a beautiful day at the beach, and we went home knowing we helped to foster that experience; a good day!

Talk to you again soon,

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