Sunday, August 6, 2017


      Hello readers! Did you guys have fun at your sites? I know not as much fun as Children's Museum! Here we are with another week and more fish! We've been catching a lot of baby fish such as cunner and even flounder! Nothing compares to that stripped bass. This week we had lots of fun discovering how deep the tide is using a rope measured in twelves. The tide is about 8 feet on good days but can get as high as 12 feet! Isn't that scary? Let's hope we don't lose a kid! Sea squirts or tunicates have also been fished out by both kids and myself with no bait! Ever visit the museum? Go to the bottom of the dock and pull up a rope you'd be amazed with all the sea squirts you'd find. Unfortunately I have not been catching any star fish despite all the rumors I'm hearing about them being near the museum. 
     Apart from all that fun I also learned about a cool and interesting chemical reaction and got to play with mud! The museum has events in the morning to keep kids and families waiting outside entertained. On Monday it was mud! Don't worry the mud was clean and fresh out of a bag. Although it sounds gross the concept of it was really interesting. Did you know studies show that playing with mud relieves you of stress and anxiety as a child! It's very calming and contains some bacteria that's good for us. The chemical reaction they preformed yesterday was with baking soda, vinegar, food coloring, and cornstarch. When you shake up all these compounds you get a mini rocket and it jumps in the air, leaving a cool liquid chalk stain on the floor. Well fellas that was my week I hope I get to find out more about yours 

"kids power" trying to lift myself up!
barely made it the girl behind me is a pro!
                                        -dearest ,
Jennifer Rosa

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