Thursday, August 10, 2017


The fishing tournament was a interesting one to say the least. First we went to try to get some blue fish, which turned into a no go... Then we went to troll near Spectacle Island. Nothing showed up until the final 20 minutes. Then they hit. When I was about to ask a question, the captain of the boat I was on, say's "Oh! You got something!" and everything ran from my mind saying "FISH! FISH! THERE'S A FISH!!!" I turned around so quick that everything changed in a split second. And what I was greeted to was a rod that was bent towards the water. Instinctively I reached for the rod and picked it up and started reeling it in. As soon as the fish reached the boat, and we got a first look at my fish! Sadly, it was also our last... I wanna say it was about a foot long, so not to big, but a decent size. Welp, there went the first fish I would ever have in 7 years...

First catch in 7 whole years!
Just kidding! Not even 5 minutes later, we had another fish on the same hook. But this one was bigger and stronger! Pulling it in fast, then slow, then fast again, then slow again, I successfully got it to the boat! Now this one was a complete flip of the other! The size was about 21 inches! So close to a keeper! The legal minimum is 28... But I had confidence that I was gonna win with it. Mainly because no-one was able to get anything biting. But little did I know, that when we got back, my worst fear would realize itself... As I look out onto the dock I see Eric with a fish. At that point I'm a little sad, because that meant I lost. Hopping onto the dock, I walk up to him and say " screw you fish!!!!" in the most congratulatory annoyed voice I could muster.

In the end, we only caught two keepers that whole day. Not including the huge stripped bass that Bruce caught at the very end! Sounds just like something Bruce would do! But, it was a very fun day and I think that everyone had a lot of fun, even though there was so much waiting.

Lets hope we can catch some big keepers! Garrett

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