Tuesday, August 8, 2017

final days at black's creek.

Hey everyone,

    It was probably one of the saddest days I've had all summer as I had to say good-bye to the children of Black's Creek. We do our casual introduce ourselves and what we enjoy doing in the program but hearing Zack ask what we've enjoyed doing all summer because it has come to an end really hit me. I had to say good-bye to my favorite little girl in the group.

My girl Kylie.
.      She kept telling us that she'd miss us so much. It broke my heart because we've all created amazing bonds with all these kids. A boy named Salvatore was like, "you have to promise to come back next year" and I never kept a promise so quickly in my life because I love all of those kids and I can't wait to go back to Black's Creek if i were to ever have that opportunity again.

       This summer so far has made me realize that opening up to people can honestly take you far as you're creating bonds and keeping them for a lifetime when you show others what kind of person you truly are.

Until next time,
Nieomi Colon

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