Monday, August 7, 2017

First Ever Beach Bash!

Beach Bash!
As you may already know this is my first year down at Save the Harbor, and as July came to a close I reminisced on the memories already made from my first ever job. Also, I looked at what was to come considering the fact that I am (kinda) picking up where Ahmed left off. I was told about three major events that the staff from Save the Harbor get to participate in, and I finally got to experience one of them: the Beach Bash, and holy was it fun!

I was assigned to sports with maybe the most athletic people of the Save the Harbor staff: Preston, Patrice and Jaiden. We played football with a bunch of camps, and even kickball and all the kids loved it. I learned how to throw a football better than before (I'm still garbage), and even though the burn killed, I loved the moment.

The Splash
Soon we set up for the big moment, the splash! The camps and other kids gathered around the harbor walk, and David Coffin lead and taught the people a good song we all love and know Haul Away Joe! As we sang we did a count down from 3 to 1 and once we hit 1, the kids and some staff stormed into the water, and enjoyed the dip considering it was very hot, but it was very fun. Some people got splashed, the innocent and the guilty but it was very fun. We ate hot dogs, apples, and pretzels, and did some other activities like face paint and fish print. It was a great way to close a long week of hard work! Up next: the Fishing Derby!

Singing out,
Qalid Hassan :)

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