Tuesday, August 22, 2017

First Time EVER Sand Raking

Beautiful flower drawn by yours truly! :)
This past Friday I was fortunate enough to meet with Andres, a professional sand raking artist. For those of you who don't know what sand raking is, it's the art of "drawing" in the sand. This was my first time ever sand raking so I was kind of super amazed. Like I know we've all gone to the beach and drawn a heart, or a little smiley face or something, but I never thought about all the endless possibilities that could be done with a little bit of wet sand!

We were all at Carson Beach over in South Boston, when the kids arrived we all picked a partner and started to draw flowers and draw their names with cools designs next to them, and the kids seemed to really enjoy this just as much as we did. We had a bit of a break between the groups of kids where we would all spread out and draw our things.

This was truly such an amazing opportunity to be able to learn yet another form of art, was great. This along with fish printing have been some of my latest art obsessions.

I cannot wait till the next sand raking event. I'll be back with newer and better drawings!
Till next time !

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