Sunday, July 30, 2017

Flash back Friday

Friday and we are back at the Courageous Sailing Center! We switched things up a little instead of being stationed to do fish printing I was fishing. After doing our opening activity we split up into groups. As I'm asking the kids questions about what we were using for bait, flounder, and what were some fun facts about the fish I started to feel like I recognized some faces. That didn't actually make sense though because it was a new group of kids. As we are fishing a girl, about 10 years old started asking me some fishing questions but then started to just stare at me. Then she asked "Do you work at the club?"  I just kept staring at her and asked what?! She just kept repeating the same thing, that I look familiar and she thinks it's because I work at "the club". Apparently she meant the Boys and Girls club, so that couldn't be it, I asked if she danced, thinking she could be one of my students but that wasn't it either. She took off her glasses and said 'These are new, maybe you'll remember now." I laughed thinking glasses don't make that much of a difference but the second she took them off I screamed Maggie!!! She looked shocked that I knew her name and then I said you went to Piers Park two summers ago and that is where I was stationed! Then she remembered going kayaking with me every day and me attempting to beat her, and the rest of the kids in all our field games. I was impressed and touched that she recognized me, it shows how children really remember and appreciate all that programs and staff from Save the Harbor.
Piers Park Summer 2015
Courageous Sailing Center Summer 2017

Catch ya later,

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