Thursday, August 24, 2017

making new friends this summer.

Hey everyone,

            Last Friday I went to the Shubert Theatre for a Talent Show hosted by MLK Scholars and it was beautiful. There was many talented young teens all around Boston that honestly surprised me. One that stood out to me was a Spoken Word poet named Tyler. He was perfect in every word he said. He had the confidence, the right audience and the right purpose that gave me the chills when he spoke against racism and inequality.

        That showed me so much and there was many young artists that  I would love to start supporting as of now. They were impressive and I hope they all go very far.

         Later that day I went to Carson Beach for Sand Raking with Andres Amadour and groups from All Access. It went amazing because D and I made two new friends that loved being with us.

my new friends Riley and Kiera.
      It didn't hit me until after that event that summer was almost over and I'd have to say goodbye to all my friends that I'd made this summer. It's probably the worst part of summer when you're so used to the same group of people and not seeing them makes you sad in a sense. I'm going to make the best of it though as we're coming to an end.

Until next time,
Nieomi Colon

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