Monday, August 7, 2017

My Favorite Island

This week at spectacle islands I did fishing twice and did sports once, it was a great week with the kids. On Tuesday I did fishing we caught 2 spider crabs and a lot of green crabs and a couple of rock crabs. I got to do touch tank, at first I was kinda scared of touching the crabs but then I  just took one for the kids and finally put my hand in the touch tank and grabbed a green crab that they wanted and I did it all by my self!! YEYYY FOR ME. I also cut all the bait for the kids and they all surrounded me asking me to touch the dead fish we were using for bait and the all seemed to be very interested and alot of them kept asking if I was scared to touch it because I was touching the fish with a bag over my hand to cut the bait and hold it still.

On Wednesday I did sports with Jen we played a game of kick ball with the kids. These kids seemed like they were ready for us because they really kick far and hard. Then we played a game of tag football I got to catch the ball a couple times but then the kids were to fast for me it was cool to finally learn more about foot ball and I learned it from the kids they were telling me what everything meant it was really cool. At the end we were all tired and we ran out of water and ran to get more water it was so funny.

On Thursday, I did fishing again it was one of the best fishing days ever! I did fishing with Jen this time and its like she's a mermaid and she makes us get things that we usually wouldn't get. One of the kids caught a skate!!! We have never really caught anything but crabs but this time we were lucky! After every group of kids all of the kids would get at least one crab! Then after our last group a kid caught something and it seemed to be stuck it was so hard that Patrice had to keep reeling it in and it was so far but then they finally got it out and it was a crab trap fulled with crabs and baby flounders, so cool!!!! All the kids and staff were so amazed it was crazy. 
Catch you next week at Georges,
Marly Burgos 

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