Sunday, August 6, 2017


Putting in work!
I feel like ever summer leads up to the Beach Bash and Splash. 500 kids is what they told us we would have, that means it's an all hands on deck type of event. We had stations everywhere to ensure the kids would have fun. The stations included fishing, sand raking, touch tanks, sand castles, fish printing, face painting, lighthouse art, sports, and swimming. I got put at the art station, it's always a pleasure to work with Olga. She comes up with the most creative projects. We created light house figure using tape on cardboard, the kids would then paint their "canvas", then we would let it dry. Once fully dried we would peel off the tape that was placed previously, this made the outline of their lighthouse. We gave the kids some lighthouse knowledge, which was provided to us by David, like the fact that the first lighthouse was built in Boston and is 301 years old now! The kids would share what they knew about lighthouses, that they have a bright light so that boats can navigate themselves, they're typically build on rocky areas, etc. Once we learned all we could the kids got to work and got to put their creative minds to work. The outcome was amazing, no light house looked the same. The majority of the kids were so eager to show off their work we count get a picture but we did snag a few for a picture. We hung up all of the art we could on the wall and we got to display some of them into a little museum before the kids took their work home!
The creative process
Showing off their art
Some of the work

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