Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Fourth and Final MLK Meeting

Hello Everyone!

The guest speaker (Tory Bullock)
As we all know, summer is about to end and most of the Save the Harbor staff are heading back to school soon. Since it's about to be the time where instead of waking up at 7 o'clock in the morning, we have to wake up as early as 5:30 in the morning, the MLK Scholars program wanted to end the summer with a bang, thus having the MLK Scholars Talent Show. It was different from the other meeting that were held in the past. Instead of  having it at BU, they held it at the Shubert theater and instead of being assigned to a table, we could sit anywhere  we wanted.

There was a speaker for this meeting and he made things a little more exciting and fun. He talked about how he was an activist and the simple things that we can do to change the world. After he spoke, we moved on to the talent show where kids who are a part of the MLK  Scholar program would show us what kind of talent they have. There was some alright performances, but the ones that stood out to me was when two kids did spoken word. One girl spoke about how she is a Muslim and how people judge her for believing in what she believes in, how she is treated, and how wrong it is for people to do so. Then right after she was on, a boy went to the stage and spoke about the current state of black communities and the violence that goes on around in these communities.

I had a great time at MLK and I got to socialize with the kids at my table, even though most of us were tired, we got through it and I think that's the most important thing that I accomplished this summer.

- Imani
The final Performance of the Talent show that was a dance number  
The chandler hanging above in the theater

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