Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Third MLK Scholars Meeting

Hi Everyone!

I just attended the third MLK scholars meeting and instead of being more progressive like the second meeting, it was more like the first meeting, quiet and lazy. The theme for this meeting was being a leader in business and a goal was to make an elevator pitch about a product that would help the community in either education, transportation, heath, or energy. The tables that had the best elevator pitch would get AMC movie tickets. For some reason, most of my table were tired and we barely had time to come up with a product that would help education in schools. We then decided to come up with a tutor robot to help with homework, projects studying for exams and quizzes and to teach new material to students that missed a day. When we had our idea figured out, we called over one of the judges to hear our pitch. Sadly, our pitch wasn't good enough to make it to the semi-finals. Most of my table didn't care much about the movie tickets. We just sat at the table talking about how tired we were. I got to meet one of the members at my table. She went to Boston Arts Academy and is going to Mass Art. For the rest of the time we talked about different techniques in drawing, what organization we worked for, and talked about strengths and weakness for drawing. At the end of the meeting, the table that had an idea about affordable transportation for students in the Boston Public schools won the movie tickets and left the stadium. All in all, the meeting was not that eventful, but at least I got to meet some awesome people.

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