Sunday, August 20, 2017

Tidepool adventures

Disclaimer: This time around, we didn't take as many photos as we would have liked. Thus this blog post will depend on your imagination to fill in the gaps from the imagery my words can produce.

The week started off with a staff day at Lovells island, where office staff, JPA's, LHE's and SHE's bonded over tide pooling, picking wild blackberries and snail hunting! After a boat ride with Charlie from the seaport district, the group consisted of 37 individuals who hiked to a spot where there was an abundance of tide pools! Split into groups, Kristen, Abel, D, Jennifer and I headed off to where the  tide pools merged with the Boston Harbor. There we found an abundance of starfish, periwinkles, hermit crabs, and Asian shore crabs! We had easily found over 10 starfish and with Kristen's observation skills, we saw even a purple periwinkle! After some time, Garett, Kristen and I shifted over to where there seemed to be an abundance of large pieces of scrap metal! It was there that we found some fist sized green and rock crabs burrowed in the sand!

Once lunch came around, Garett and I had accumulated about 10 oysters each, and we both shucked one each using rocks and sea shells we found around the island! With one slurp, Garett and I had a taste of Boston Harbor's quality of fresh raw oyster! From my taste test, it could definitely use some Tabasco sauce, horseradish and lemon juice.

The rest of the staff day was our chance to explore the island for some specie of snail! The island has a lot of spots that are very worth seeing in person.

Figure 1. Above is an amateur photographers attempt at being artistic! 

I hope you guys can experience the joy of exploring Lovells island one day since it looks like a great place to go camping!

Raymond Chai

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