Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tree Climbing Adventures

Me holding the crab net with 
all the crabs in it!
On Monday I went to the Children's Museum and it was pouring! We weren't able to fish on the dock because the rain was ridiculous, but we still set up the crab trap and caught 36 crabs! Jennifer told me that that was nothing compared to the amount of crabs they usually catch, which was surprising because I have never seen so many crabs at once and that was not even considered the average amount of crabs they catch at the Children's Museum. This one little girl and her family came to the touch tank and when I picked up the crab and asked the little girl if she wanted to touch it. She ran behind her mom terrified until I showed her that if you hold the crab correctly their pincers can't get you and she finally held the crab! The look on her face was priceless!   

Today I went to George's island and did sports with Patrice, our senior harbor educator Jenn, and Kharlyiah. Patrice was playing a game of football while Jenn, Kharlyiah and I played multiple sports with the kids including volley ball, kickball, dodge ball and we even climbed a tree! Volley ball got very intense with the little kids because they kept hitting the ball with all their strength so we had to show them how to properly hit the ball so it won't go across the field. Overall I think that the tree climbing was the most fun and funniest activity we did today, especially the way Kharliyah got down, oh man! You would've laughed until you cried!

Before we climbed up, you can see the fear 
on Kharliyah's face!

Until next time, 
Vince Vila

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