Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Adapting to a new setting

After being at Camp Harbor View for at least a week and a half, I have come to a conclusion as to what my feelings are for this site. I absolutely enjoyed this site a lot!

I had the chance to explore the fort at CHV with some of the group of kids and was out for wild adventure! Similar to Lovell's Island, there were some wild blackberries growing along the hiking trail at this camp. The kids were super excited to loop around the fort and explore the abandoned structures! I couldn't contain my urges to make ghost noises as the groups flowed into the dark rooms. Everyone was on the lookout for poison ivy since we were given a warning that some of the kids in previous weeks had been exposed and experienced some allergic reactions. Sadly, I ended up getting a rash on my fore arms due to being in contact with the old structures rocky terrain, something must've scratched me and had irritated my skin. With the reassuring nurses at CHV, I had my rash site smothered in anti-itch cream, ultimately resulting in me being back to normal by the time Miss Peddocks II arrived to pick us up off the island.

On my last day on the island, I had a chance to play Chess during my lunch break with this Chess champion named Ed! I could see how he earned the title of being the Chess Champion as I tasted bitter defeat a few times before lunch was served. While engaging him in Chess, I learned about his teaching career and how he taught the kids at the camp for quite a few years how to think ahead using the chess pieces. I am proud to say I was able to earn myself some praise from Ed, as he said " You're not too bad!" followed with a couple of chuckles. Being a avid checkers players, I was able to find in myself some appreciation for this strategic game too!

One very important lesson that I learned from this island is that you can sneak vegetables into your dessert! The next time you have a craving for some chocolate-y sweets, try zucchini brownies. Packed with cooked vegetables alongside zucchini's is this soft chocolate brownie breading that gives regular brownies a run for its money!

Thank you guys for reading this blog, hope you're looking forward to this next one,

Raymond Chai

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