Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Blue Cross Blue Shield Service Day Goes On Through Storms, Rain and Wind

On Wednesday, September 20, we had the privilege of partnering with 55 volunteers from Blue Cross Blue Shield, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the South Boston Neighborhood House to clean Carson Beach as part of Blue Cross Blue Sheild’s annual service day! The weather was rough, but the “Blue Crew” braced the severe winds and near-torrential downpour to clean nearly 2 miles of beach. From City point to the Murphy Skating Rink and into Moakley Park, the Blue Cross volunteers worked hard and once again showed their dedication to local beaches and organizations.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Service Day Volunteers show off their fish printing skills at the end of the day
After months of intense planning, and with a rain plan which consisted of “get wet”, we started the week with a forecast of nearly 50 mph winds and heavier rains than expected. Despite the last minute addition of some indoor projects, the volunteers showed up with overwhelming positivity and drive, and eager to get outside and onto the beach in the weather.

Despite 50 MPH winds and blowing rain, we couldn't keep volunteers from getting outside onto the beach.
Our staff kicked off the day leading a chorus of the sea shanty “Haul Away Joe”, which not only got the energy up for a big day, but also set the stage with a unifying message: if we all work together, we can get anything done! Volunteers cleaned, painted classrooms, washed windows, and cleaned kitchens, playrooms, and bathrooms at the South Boston Neighborhood house.   “We had our first Parent/Child Playgroup today,” said Cheryl Itri, Director of Early Education & Care Programs at SBNH. “The parents were so impressed with our nice fresh look, they kept complimenting on the newly painted walls.  Thanks again for being a great partner with us.”
Putting a fresh coat on the South Boston Neighborhood House Classroom
To top off all the amazing work BCBS volunteers had already accomplished, they also helped prepare our new initiative aimed at spreading awareness on the health benefits of eating seafood twice a week and focusing on the benefits of eating more healthy, sustainably sourced and delicious fish! To celebrate, volunteers created fish-printing masterpieces and sampled fresh scup and mackerel from our neighbors on Boston Fish Pier.

Staff, interns and volunteers get a crash course in healthy, delicious preparation of sustainable species like scup and mackerel from Save the Harbor's Director of Strategy and Communications, Bruce Berman
Our beaches and community centers are important resources, and we are grateful to our partners at Blue Cross Blue Shield, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the South Boston Neighborhood House for their hard work and dedication to our mission.  We wouldn’t be able to make such an impact without our partners and our friends.

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