Thursday, August 24, 2017

CHV or All Access

On Monday I went to CHV, a site I have been to once before. I went on the boat and the kids on the boat were very energetic and loud, and sounded as if they were ready for the day. We got on the Island and set up for fishing club. As groups went by, one group member caught a skate. I have never seen a skate before, and I was shocked because it kind of looked like a sting ray. Nevertheless, we ate food at CHV, and it was not too bad, but I did think the "eggplant" was a cookie. After fishing club was over, we looked at the eclipse (with glasses), and I played some basketball with Ray. It was a pretty eventful day.
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Fishing at CHV

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Bye Patrice!
On Wednes-day, it was Patrice's last day of work. She is a soccer captain and fall sports start on Thursday, so she had to go to tryouts. This was a bummer for most people, because Patrice is a favorite for a lot of people. We split the team so we could do sports and soccer. I was at sports playing kickball with the BASE kids, and there were definitely a lot of them, about 17 a team. We lost by one, but the game was very intense. After we swam in the ice cold water, and once we got it out it was time to go. Time flies, it is already the last day of All Access.

Peace out!
Qalid Hassan :)

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