Monday, September 18, 2017

North End Against Drugs

     Finally back with Save The Harbor! After a long month without working at Save the Harbor, I really enjoyed getting to work with some familiar faces and having fun at the North End Against Drugs event. The North End Against Drugs event on Saturday, September 16th was a great event packed with fun, food, music, animals, and sports. The rest of Save The Harbor and I had a table where we taught people fish printing, and along with our table their were also tables for art and other activities. For the fish printing we had brought with us a flounder, along with two other smaller fishes. The smaller fishes were hard to use for the purpose of fish printing, so must people did their prints using the flounder.

     Throughout the day we had many people that were fascinated and surprised by our fish printing, some of these people were intrigued enough to create their own print. Along with all the great fish printing I assisted on,  I was also  able to visit some of the bunnies, goats, and birds present at the event. I wasn't able to work up the courage to hold one of these animals, but it was still cool to be able to see them up close and personal. All around this event was really great, and it was awesome to see some of my friends and co-workers from the summer.

Until Next Time, Abel Yohannes

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