Friday, August 18, 2017



I met the most precious 7 year old little girl at Carson Beach this Friday, her name is Raniyah. Which reminds me of my name, Kharliyah. She was a sweet little lady who enjoyed watching Moana and reminded me how much I looked like Moana. We got along swimmingly and stuck together for the time being while we sand raked away singing songs like Shiny as time ticked by. We went through our list of flowers given to us by Andres Amador, and I showed her some techniques to use while sand raking to really help the display of the flowers become visible. We were able to draw most of the flowers and she was a quick learner. She had no problem sharing the rake with me and we took turns creating different parts of each design. For example if I started the flower off with the circle she would draw the petals and vice versa. After each and every flower we drew together she would sign it with a cute, RK to signify that it was done by us.

 My favorite part of the day with my new friend, Raniyah, was when she drew me in the sand and when we drew the Moana flower together. I showed her how to make a circle using the opposite end of the rake by holding it out and turning around until it was a complete circle then she told me which way to shape the pedals and how many of them to draw. As she drew me I made sure to stay still so she could get a good look and capture my beauty and small details. The results were absolutely fabulous, she was inspired by Rusenny's drawing of Kimberly, and she did a wonderful job. Later throughout the day as the tide pulled back further and further, we went searching for periwinkles and hermit crabs in the mud.

Moana make way

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