Monday, September 18, 2017

Yellow Brick Ferryboat

Hello again!

This weekend Save the Harbor Save the Bay welcomed the fall season with a free trip to Spectacle Island for the region's great communities. I jumped at the chance to venture to the island one last time, reunited with my former All Access team and reliving the gold old days of this past summer season, providing children and their families with some fun under the sun. Though, it wasn't very sunny at all, in fact there was a dense fog encompassing the harbor; so thick we could hardly see the railings of the boat. I walked onto the bow and witnessed a young group of siblings caught in awe, like me, they had never been on the harbor and sailed through something like that; "spooky" to say the least!

Luckily for us, we arrived on the island just as the fog was seeming to break. with us we had brought fish printing materials, kites, and a whole bunch of fishing rods for the families to sink their teeth into while on the island. The fog enticed families to hike up the island's northern drumlin and try to look out onto the harbor. From the pier where we were fishing, the whole city seemed as if it were floating on a cloud. Fortunately for us, none other than Bruce Berman, fisherman and chef extraordinaire, and the company's director of Strategy and Communication, was on site and in action. We had received a tip that Mackerels were biting and he knew just what to do, re-rigging some of the fishing poles with double-hooks and instructing us on how to get the fish jumping. Unfortunately for us, we're not all fisherman extraordinaires and were unable to hook any of them. Save the Harbor is also sponsoring another free trip to the islands this coming October-- this time to George's Island-- so definitely stay tuned for that!

Until next time,

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