Wednesday, November 1, 2017

JetBlue, KaBOOM, and a playground was born.

Trevor (left) and Lanique (right)
assembled parts for the playground 
On Thursday, October 27th, 2017 jetBlue partnered with KaBOOM to give back to the South Boston community. Their contribution took form of a playground for the Curley Community Center. The expected time to build the playground was 5 to 6 hours or sooner with the help from volunteers. Volunteers ranged from many flown-in jetBlue employees to local community members (like our team from Save the Harbor/Save the Bay), which totaled over 200 volunteers.  

In order to create the overall playground, parts of the playground were divided into groups. Divided groups consisted of actions such as assembling playground parts, digging mulch  and turning cement. Of the assembly team, there were sub groups that put together various playground parts (slide, climbing wall, swing set, etc.).

As time passed from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, cement hardened, scattered playground parts and 2 x 4s were put together, and mountains  of mulch disappeared into the playground section. With the help of many volunteers, the Curley Community Center was the proud owner of an outdoor  playground that community members of all ages can enjoy.
Melissa (left), Trevor (middle) and Lanique (right) removes mulch and relocates it to the playground site. 

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