Friday, February 23, 2018

A touch of summer

Welcome, to the grand opening of the Boston Harbor Pop-Up Museum!!!

   Meeting up with old friends to work on this museum has been the true highlight of my year. It made me realize how much I miss Save the Harbor. It was definitely an experience considering it was my first time fish printing! So what do I think of it you ask? Well, other than the smell it’s really cool to put ink on a fish and press the paper on it to see the details of the fish's scales. We used mackerel and a flounder. My favorite was the mackerel. Qualid and I decorated the poles with dozens of fish prints. 
   We then moved on to the mini sand raking which by the way had these beautiful designs. We used tiny rakes and tools to make designs in the sand boxes just like we did over the summer.

It was so fun to help get this space ready for visitors!

   Today I helped few members of the Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staff helped decorate this new public space for visitors like you to attend. Fish printing, painting, mini sand raking and much more was talking place. We enjoyed the gallery walk of some pictures taken during the summer. Come out and enjoy !

Jennifer Rosa 

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