Friday, April 27, 2018

Back At It Again In The Blue Shirt

During April break I was given the gift of returning to a Save the Harbor site for work, and I can proudly say that it brought back a happiness that can only be achieved when I'm with my extended family at Save the Harbor. The day started off kind of slow due to the group being a little behind schedule, but when they arrived there was no time wasted in jumping into the action. The kids had stations with different activities such as fish printing, fishing, interacting with the touch tank, or coloring.

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I was assigned to fishing station, where the only downside is smelling the bait. At the fishing station we first had to take the time to make sure everybody had a proper run down on the different parts of a fishing rod, how they work, and the different ways to cast. The main focus we had for the kids was safety, and trying to make sure they all got the chance to cast at least once because we want everyone to get a chance to have fun. 

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Yours truly, ya boy

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