Tuesday, April 17, 2018

First Day: Who am I?

I am Eric. I am a 9th grader at the John D. O'Bryant School. I love to explore and learn about the outside world. I also love to keep children interested in learning and exploring new things. Especially about the world we live in because if we learn about our world, then we will know how to keep it safe and not wasteful. I am here this week to learn about what Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is all about. I am also here to learn about what I can do to help the community learn and have fun in the harbors and beaches. Having fun at your surroundings is the best thing that can happen to you. I am looking forward to learning about how I can help and provide to the community with a clean harbor, bay, and ocean life. I also plan on learning how Save the Harbor/Save the Bay can change the lives of children and make them enthusiastic in learning and protecting Boston's Harbors.

Eric Colon-Rivera

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