Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fish Printing

Today we had kids from East Boston YMCA. They were really ecstatic when they entered the door. One kid asked me if I liked turtles and I answered yes. They seemed to know a lot about the program so there wasn't much need to explain who we are. I was assigned to fish printing. It was really fun even though it was my first time helping fish printing. Even though there wasn't any fishing we were still able to keep the children entertained. Tons of kids wanted the same colors but we had enough for all. For my first time doing fish printing, I was told that I did a good job by Jules because he said that I did everything the right way and exactly how I was told. I gave the right directions to the kids and I made sure that the kids knew what to do too.  There was a lot of fish printing done for all of the kids. The staff were able to have some kids have a story time and a game time to keep them rotating through activity stations and happy. Sure there were a lot of kids but, we were still able to keep them in a line and in order. They behaved well and we were organized so it was a good day.

-Eric Colon-Rivera

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