Wednesday, July 11, 2018

All Set for the Summer!

Hey there!

My name is Lea Barros and I am a Junior program Assistant for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay this summer!

I recently graduated from Brighton High School and will be attending Hamilton College in the fall and I can't wait! I am a little nervous to take on this journey since I will be apart from my mother, who has been my rock my whole life, but I am excited to have this opportunity to develop as an individual and to expand my horizons, both academically and socially.

I am originally from the Islands of Cape Verde and have moved back and forth between the U.S. and Cape Verde for most of my life.  Living in Cape Verde and so close to the beach  — it was just down the street from my house —I learned to love the beauty and welcoming nature of the ocean.  Consequently, I became passionate about keeping the ocean clean and safe for its inhabitants and visitors and this is why I am so excited to be working with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay!  We share the same passion for the ocean, marine life, and the environment.  I love going to the beach and I am extremely thankful for Save the Harbor's effort and success in keeping the beaches of Boston Harbor clean and safe. I can't wait to contribute to Save the Harbor's cause this summer, especially since they strive to get people out to the beach to appreciate it's beauty and cleanliness.

I'm very excited to learn all about the biodiversity in the Boston Harbor and to interact with it through all of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's programs that I will be a part of. I've already learned how to fish and set up crab traps at orientation, and I can't wait to learn how to do much more.

I'm thrilled to post about all the fun things I will be doing this summer on Boston Harbor!

- Lea Barros
Me holding the Black Sea Bass I caught during our boat trip on the Belle.

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