Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Excited for my Second Summer!

Me presenting a
premium rubber fish
Garrett's back to Save the Harbor for a second year! Im now 17 and just finished up my junior year at the John D O'Bryant school of Mathematics and Science.

I came back so everyone can learn and appreciate the wonderful harbor we have been blessed with. I'm glad to be able to have a clean harbor that reminds my grandfather of going to the harbor islands and jumping into the water as a child. I've lived in Boston all my life and plan top continue for quite sometime. Last year was so much fun. But I think this year we can top it.

During the year I am busy at most times of the week. I have one year left with the boy scouts on Mondays. Tuesdays I am going to be fishing or spending it with friends. Wednesdays I attend my Church's youthroom and visit with them. Thursdays I am voluteering with Bikes not Bombs and helping send bikes to third world countries that their youth may not have a chance to ride, learn to fix and build a bike. Fridays I yet again volunteer but this time I'm with fairfoods and getting fresh produce to low income communities! During the weekends I will sometimes attend a monthly youthgroup meeting or help with fairfoods again. But I may start fishing them as well.

I'm hoping I can make a lot of new connections this year with new employees and anyone who Im working with!

Looking forward to another exciting summer with everyone! See y'all out there!


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