Wednesday, July 4, 2018

First Week at Save the Harbor!

First few days on the job and it is hot!

The orientation was a fun experience it was, learning about the different sites and work hours.
The first day when the Coast Guard came to speak to us was a very fun and wonderful learning  experience. That speech has left me thinking about joining the navy. I also learned about the different amount of islands that make up the harbor, I forgot to mention that I also learned to cast (I'm pretty good at it). The second day of orientation was the best because of the fishing trip that we went on. I felt very proud of myself because that was the first day that i caught a fish. It was so unexpected because I didn't even know that I had a fish on the end of the line but I pulled it up and there it was. My first day was pretty chill. It was mostly learning about our site and what our daily schedule , location of the site etc. On the 2nd day of the job I was placed at All Access. That was very fun. We took a trip out to Georges Island where me and co-workers went through the dark tunnel which was super fun and dark.

Today, I was stationed at the Charles River, It was very hot but I pulled through. I feel so accomplished because I taught two campers how to fish properly but unfortunately we did not catch anything because of how windy it was. Overall it was a very fun and adventurous day.

Happy Casting!!

Fishing on the Charles

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