Wednesday, July 18, 2018

We caught Flounder Babies!

When I first got the the Children's Museum on Monday I was excited to see all of the families out and about waiting to get into the museum! The weather was much more kind to families this week so we had many more visitors than we had in the week prior.  On of these groups visited us from the YMCA and they were actually at the museum to participate in the dancing going on under the tent outside! I did not think they would come over to us at first because we had nothing in our touch tank yet but surprisingly every single one of them wanted to learn how to fish and actually wanted to spend more time fishing and less time dancing! One of the girls in the camp caught three green crabs on her fishing line which is the most any one person has caught yet!

The JPA's helping the YMCA group fish!
  Another one of these groups was from the Learning Center for the Deaf. The kids in this program were so excited to fish, many for their first time, as well as hold the crabs in the touch tank! The amazing chaperones the group had made it easier to communicate with the kids on how to properly use the fishing rod as well as explain what types of crabs were in the touch tank. The energy this group of kids had was amazing and put everyone in a better mood instantly!

   The highlight of my week however occurred on Thursday when we caught two baby flounder! I have never caught a flounder in general so I was super excited when we pulled up the crab traps and there they were! At first I thought they were just some algae from the bottom of the harbor that was stuck on the crab trap until I noticed the fish's gills move and realized the algae was actually a fish! Catching these baby flounder was such an experience and allowed some of the junior program assistants to gain more experience in talking to kids and their families about the fish and why their eyes are on the same side of their head.
The beautiful baby flounder we caught! 
  While Friday morning was slow the afternoon session was full of people! We had two brothers, Everett "like the mountain" and Nile "like the river", come visit our touch tank and fishing rods. They loved fishing and Everett especially loved bringing up our crab trap to check what was in it! While I am heading to a new site next week I hope to be back at the Children's Museum soon!

Catch you guys out on the docks! 


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