Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fun in the Sun at Piers Park

Hi everyone,
     My first week at Piers Park and Courageous Sailing Center was great! This is my first year at Piers park so I was a little nervous but I came in with my head up high and started talking to the kids as soon as we played the Chief & Tribal game.  Later on that day we went on the dock and started fishing and the sea smelled amazing for some reason. I never really thought to use my senses especially at work but i’m glad it’s something i was more aware of. My friends Kharliyah, Westley and Ismael were fishing where we just talked about why they chose this program and they said they felt at home.

     I also went on kayaking with Kharliyah and Westley and it was hilarious! Kharliyah and I would sing the sea chanties and Westley would turn around and go, “you guys are crazy!  Why are you guys so crazy?” It was nice to see that someone was enjoying our vibrant presence and I felt at home as usual. It was awesome to see that I started growing a bond with Stanley, Jordon, Michael and Meaghan. I never saw myself getting so close as quickly as one week but I cannot wait to see what the summer has in store for us.

     Also, the Piers Park Activities Coordinator, Mella, had
 the kids do a recycling activity, a multiple choice game on what is good to recycle and why it benefits our society. The kids answers shocked me they were just so intelligent. I felt they could take care of the world one step at a time.

fun on the dock with my buddies.
    I can’t wait to see what I can achieve this summer. The children here at Piers Park and Courageous Sailing always make my day. Hopefully I can create a lifetime bond with the children. I hope that as I continue my journey with Save the Harbor it will help develop my character and viewing others positively. Always thankful for this opportunity.

See y’all later,
Nieomi Colon

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