Sunday, July 29, 2018

Having fun with marshmallow!

Hey Everyone,

      So glad to be back and talk to you about how my week is going and fill you in on everything that’s been happening. So this weekend I went to an event at Constitution beach where we fish printed and talked to kids about the stinky flounder which is a hobby (in all honesty). As the day continued my friend Jordon and I walked around the different stations set up as I advertised the beautiful t-shirt with a fish print.

     Later on that day, we came across a station dog named Marshmallow who had an amazing background. She always wears blue so people confuse her as a boy and the reason behind her always wearing blue is because she is as white as that strip that Elsa, from Frozen, had in her hair. Marshmallow made the event so much more lively for the kids and even us, the Save the Harbor staff.

My girl Marshmallow and I.

      The week began at Piers Park with the usual Captain’s Coming and Everybody’s It tag which always helps to wake us up in the morning. Then we went to the dock and played Kidz Bop music and enjoyed fishing with the kids and creating bonds with them. As the day went on many of the kids found moon jellies and it filled up an entire bucket which was really cool. PS.. moon jellies are my favorite!

     Also, throughout the week I finally held a lobster which was really cool because I aways felt a little creeped out by them but this one was a girl and I could tell she was scared because she flapped like a mermaid would. The boys were so excited when Johnny caught a green crab and he was so happy to show it off. Then Stanley and I had a little water game going on with the kids that left us soaked but totally worth it in the end.

Johnny's first time catching a Green Crab.

    It was sad to realize it’d most likely be my last week with the original Piers Park crew but there’s always time to reconnect and see how we’ve all grown. I’ve truly grown a bond with Stanley, Jordon and Michael. I can’t wait to create many more bonds with the rest of the staff.

See you guys later,
Nieomi Colon

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