Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Introduction to Abel Yohannes

Hi, my name is Abel Yohannes and this is my third summer working for Save The Harbor/Save The Bay as a Junior Program Assistant. My first two summers at the Save The Harbor I had tons of fun and learned a lot of new skills, including fishing, fish printing, and sailing. I decided to come back for a third year at Save The Harbor because this is the only summer job where people can spend their day outdoors while having fun and learning new skills and new things about themselves. Since I started working at Save The Harbor as a 15 year old, I have become more responsible and mature. Two somewhat newfound characterstics which my time at Save The Harbor has greatly contributed towards.

Some more about me... I currently attend Newton North High School and I am entering my senior year there. During my free time, I enjoy playing basketball, football, video games, and learning about new things. And most importantly I am very excited for another summer at Save The Harbor/Save The Bay. I look foward to continuing to grow as a JPA and as an indivual, and continuing to become a better version of my current self. The Cost Gaurd presentation during our orientation was also well welcomed and has motivated me to work hard this summer and serve my community. The presentation has also allowed me to explore some interesting and rewarding carrer oppurtunities. All some helpful expierences.

Painting seashells at the 2017 Boston Seafood Festival

Until Next Time,

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