Wednesday, July 11, 2018

New Year, More Fun Ahead

Hi everyone!

My name is Patrice Haney in case you forgot. I know it's been a while since you've heard from me but I promise you're about to hear a whole lot more! In case you forgot, I'll fill you in on my background. I grew up in Holbrook, MA. For high school, I went to Cardinal Spellman in Brockton. I was a varsity athlete for their soccer and track team all four years. This coming fall, I'm excited to say that I will be attending Framingham State University as a math and education major. I want to be an elementary teacher until I get my masters degree in math, then go on to teach high school level math. At FSU, I will be running for their track team as a varsity sprinter and jumper. I've always loved going to the beach with my family and friends when it was hot outside, but my love for the beach came from my grandmother. She taught me how lucky we are to call Boston Harbor our home and that no one else has clean beaches like us!

I'm very excited to be working for Save the Harbor again this summer. As you may already know, last summer I worked on the All Access team, heading out to the islands everyday. Only a couple other members from that team have come back, but I'm looking forward to making more new friends. This summer should be a great one. After meeting with some of the new summer staffers at orientation, I'm looking forward to working with all of them. There are so many new and eager faces I can't wait for the work season to begin. It's crazy to me that most of my friends have to work jobs where they're inside all day long, either behind a counter or serving food to people. I'm always very grateful that I get to be out in the sun on the water each day. In my opinion it doesn't get much better than that!

 A camper and I at CHV

See you on the Harbor!

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