Monday, July 23, 2018

Starting the Summer Strong!

fishing club
Well, we are a few weeks into our summer program, and I am having a lot of fun. This week I continued to do a  few of the same things, but also do somethings I have never done before. I started my week off at Camp Harbor View, and also spent a few days there over this course of time. On my other days, I continued to work at All Access Boston Harbor, at both Georges Island, and ending the week off at Spectacle Island. I even started to do a program on Fridays called MLK Scholars that I have never done before. It has been a pretty packed week so allow me to talk about my time at CHV.

At CHV, we did a variety of things. We mostly did the basic routine of three fishing groups, and lunch. We caught crabs, skates, and from time to time we caught some fish in the lobster trap! The kids at CHV love to fish, especially those that participate in fishing club. A young kid named Extouin told me about how he used to fish with his dad and his brother, and how he used to catch large bass and flounders and eat them for dinner. I was happy to hear that because at Save the Harbor we encourage people to enjoy the seafood they can obtain from the Harbor.

Scavenger hunt
On another we had a scavenger hunt where we told the kids to look for five mussels as a group. They quickly found them, and we ended up having a lot of mussel shells by the end of it. I learned how to throw a football without hurting my arm, and I schooled Dexter and Abel in basketball. Just kidding--we had a lot of fun, and Dexter was a lot better than I'd thought he would be.

For the rest of the week I did All Access, and toured the dark tunnel for the visitors, showed them the coffin, played some kickball or catch, and fished with all the families and camps that came. On Monday, we had a family day, and the families loved it so much. We sang Haul-Away Joe (led by Chris), and a young girl even made and told me her own verse! They loved it so much they donated to Save the Harbor and all of them said they would definitely come back.

Besides All Access and CHV, I got introduced to a biweekly, Friday event called MLK scholars at BU. They had their introduction with the CHV founder, a young MLK Scholar that sang and did spoken word, and a touching story from Mayor Marty Walsh. I even tried Raising Canes for the first time and it is absolutely amazing, if you have not tried it, I say try it ASAP; it is actually God's work. I will continue to go to Spectacle Island, and swim with David and the team. I'll let you guys know what's up next week, until then!

See ya, Qalid Hassan

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