Thursday, July 12, 2018

Week 1: Different Locations

Hey everyone,

  Let’s talk about week 1! I was at 3 different locations: Camp Harbor View, All Access, & the Children’s Museum. I liked it and didn’t. I liked it because it was nice seeing how different sites work, but I didn’t because it was a VERY hot week. I’m still not sure which site is my favorite and I still have some to see, like black creeks and piers park.

  On Monday I was at Camp Harbor View, and we got a sense from Bruce into how things are going to work at that site. We saw at least 300 kids and the boat was so crowded! It’s amazing how they all feel comfortable with each other. I have a friend working there this summer and he said he's pretty much used to how things run, since he's been in the camp before. Since I was only there the first day, I haven't gotten the chance to actually be at the docks and fish with the kids but I look forward to it!

  Tuesday and Thursday I went to All Access at George's Island. First things first, just a few more times of hearing David Coffin's speech to the groups before leaving, and I'll have it memorized! David Coffin is a really nice guy and his energy when coming back on the boat is amazing. Being at Georges Island both days was fun because I got to do different things. Tuesday I was stationed at the dock with fishing. The kids would be so enthusiastic to learn how to fish and hopefully catch something. Thursday, I did tours around the Island. I got to go into the black tunnel and scare people, (best part about it of course!). It's shocking to see how an island that people tour now used to be a prison when Fort Warren was initially built on the island.

  Friday I was at the Children's Museum for free admission day and it was crazy! There were so many people and kids coming up to us. My best memory from that day was one of the first kids that named one of the crabs "Lego." From then on, we would tell all the other kids that Lego was the crab's name. Despite the icky weather, our group persevered! We still had a show to present to the kids under the tent, so the rain wasn't an obstacle! Even though it was pouring down rain the wind was nice compared to the heat experienced the rest of the week.

  That's a little bit about my very first week at Save the Harbor, can't wait to see what the next few weeks will bring!


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