Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Week 2 Already!

Hey Everybody!

I still can't believe that it's already week 2 at Save The Harbor! This week was pretty fun and the weather was a lot nicer. I was stationed at the Boston Children's Museum all week. Being there all five days gave me the chance to figure out how things run here and get more used to my co-workers. We had several groups of kids and families come to us wanting to fish and touch the crabs.

On Tuesday, children from a school for the deaf came to visit the Boston Children's Museum and on their way stopped by our area. outside! They were all so cute and adorable, around the age of 7-9. It was amazing to see how despite not being able to hear, that didn't stop them from having such positive energy. They were all enjoying the hot summer days and their curiosity was heart-warming. I learned how to say girl and boy in sign language.

one of the girls I met on Tuesday
A group of girls from the Lawrence YMCA came and visited our area as well. They were dancers and we got to see them perform under the big tent. Even though they came to the museum to dance they were so excited to be able to fish. Some girls even wanted to fish more than they wanted to dance!  One girl caught 2 crabs in a row and from then on the rest of them made it a competition (in a good way) to see who cold catch the most crabs.

I also caught a crab for the first time! I was waiting and waiting to catch something until I decided to go do something else when I was rolling the rod back up. Right there and then I see something come up and it was a crab! I may sound overly excited, and trust me I was when I caught it, but I was so excited! :)

I caught this crab!
This week was so fun with my co-workers and the kids I met. 'Till next week crew!


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